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Purbeck Railway Circle February Meeting

Andrew P.M. Wright

On Friday 8th February 2019 Kevin Patience will give his presentation “Building the Lunatic Line”.

The “Lunatic Line” was the political name of the Uganda Railway built across British East Africa through hazards including monsoon rains, man-eating lions, disease, and warring tribes.

Financed by Britain, it was an extraordinary story of Victorian railway engineering at its best as it traversed the tropical bush and Great Rift Valley. The infamous “Man-Eaters of Tsavo” were a pair of lions that killed 34 workers building the Tsavo Bridge in 1898. The line finally reached Lake Victoria in 1901 and the last leg of the journey to Uganda was completed by lake steamer. Author and historian Kevin Patience tells the story of this unique railway.

The Circle is the local support group for the Swanage Railway and meets in Harmans Cross Village Hall, Haycrafts Lane, Harmans Cross at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. Tea/coffee/biscuits and a railway orientated raffle will be provided as usual.


For further information regarding this presentation and/or the PRC please contact the PRC Chairman at:

e-mail: or visit our website:


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